So many flowers risen from the corpse of rebellion.
So many branches spared by the rivers of living water.
I cannot wait for this moment.
I dreamed of it for so long.
Having to deal with my wayward sons and daughters
From the angels to the young humans
Just so that I could see them restored before My eyes.
Receive the vision:
I will sit at My throne and look out into the cosmos.
I will see death no longer, only life.
I will not see darkness, only light.
Not one tear in their eyes,
Only excitement and gratitude
Because they will have finally understood.
It was My plan all along to be with them,
To show them a mighty place,
To teach them the endless life,
To enjoy them to My heart’s content,
To interact with them unconstrained.
None of us to hold back any longer.
Angels will bow before the multitude
And the multitude before the cosmos.
The mountains will cry out,
The oceans roar,
The wind howl,
The people shout,
And the angels rejoice.
All because We are together.
We are whole.
My throne is not a chair,
My throne is a heart.
And I can’t wait to hear the symphony
Of creation
Happy with Me
My love, I yearn for your heart’s delight,
Because in that joy, I find love for Me…