Live Recording: https://youtu.be/NUX_pc_NA-A
All rise in respect to the Risen King!
For His glory demands it!
Just like He demanded Satan hand Him the key
To the very gate that opens the pit
We celebrate the acts of a Man who came to earth with a plan
Yet we allow our fantasies to rest in peace
Like the cross didn't speak
A message profound to the spiritually hungry
A message that said that which you thought was dead
Now has the chance to be resurrected
That broken dream is still something that has yet to be
Who told you it was a rotten thing?
When did sickness become stronger than God?
Why does sin sound familiar, and His voice odd?
When did God plant desires you couldn't achieve!?
What kind of power you got!?
Even the wicked excel at wicked things!
Yet you cower about in your busyness and pride
Hiding in your shame, hoping time will make it die
But God cries in thunder and lightning "Come alive!"
Look at the cross...
Is He still hanging, arms wide?
Again, what kind of power you got?
Because Satan wants that power to be forgotten
Speak to that desert rock
And demand water flow from it like a river.
Now the angel Herman Boone asks you again,
"Will. You. Ever. Quit?"
And you better respond like Jesus is your friend
"No! We want some mo'. We want some mo'. We want some mo'"
More blessings, more strength, more wisdom, more goals
More hurdles, more Him, more Kingdom, more boldness
We live in a world that's determined to be tarnished
And yet hope arises like a bride to a helpless romantic
Take back the things in the trash heap
God is pleading, "Give My dreams back to Me."
And I declare, it is time for victory...
I look at my God...
And I look at my problems...
And all I can say is...
"We want some mo, we want some mo, we want some mo"
What is pain but a prelude to gain
What is death but a prelude to resurrection?
My God resurrected
I believe in what He did
I see these chains of mine that He shed
The greatness in me isn't an ideal in my head
I am too strong to be strung along
No more worthless excuses
When I hold them up to God, they are useless
Tiny specks of dust before the mountain
I am made for more
Quiet all those sins and circumstances
I wish to hear my Savior speak
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me
Will also do the works that I do;
And greater works than these will he do,
Because I am going to the Father"
Hush Satan, the Savior speaks
To His faithful few, this He has decreed
Now I ask again
What kind of power you got?
Anyone can make excuses
But who out there can move mountains?
Can't you hear the horn of victory sounding?
It's time to come alive!
Don't leave your dreams by the wayside
He hung His head and said it is finished
There is not one circumstance He failed to mention
Take back the key to living life successfully
Lift up your swords and claim your victory