Beloved, let a good man ruin your life.
Turn your deserts into gardens,
The air you breathe into the aroma of scented candles,
The cold frost into warmth and comfort,
And the darkness into sunlight.
Take my hands, so that everything I touch turns to harvests,
Allowing you to only reap of my hard work
Rather than getting your hands dirty.
Take my eyes and see what I see
Turning every mirror into an opportunity
To see the queen.
All hail her majesty.
Take my ears and listen to the voice that melts my heart,
Turns my feet to dancing,
And makes my soul leap into a bed of pillows.
Oh, if poetry could speak,
It'd sound like you, I'd think.
Take my tongue and cover yourself in its words.
You are beautiful, gorgeous, mesmerizing, breathtaking,
Intelligent, benevolent, independent, and heaven-sent.
One day does not have enough space for all my praises.
Let my words sink into you until you feel it in your soul.
When you feel whole, remember the Testaments,
They're where my faith in you comes from.
Take my heart, so that with it, you can change your own,
Turning the bitter organ into a succulent strawberry,
Best covered in chocolate
And always ripe for the romantic.
Take all that you need.
I am the knight sent from the King.
He who sent me, also is within me.
He calls for you, my queen.