No one is better than anyone
But everyone isn’t operating at their highest capacity
So someone will always be doing better than someone else
But they do not have to be doing better than you forever, if you set your mind on it
In order to call out a judgmental person
You must first be willing to judge
So when you say, “I don’t judge”
Remember there are people on this earth that you refuse to engage with
You cannot build a foundation
Until you are willing to let go of every notion and relationship you possess
That is why many do not know who they will be once their parents or children die
Most do not know who they are because they agreed to an ideology they never challenged
Love is Love
But Love gave a definition for Himself a long time ago
Yet, many people pretend that definition doesn’t exist
Because the greatest delusion is in thinking humankind makes the rules
You do not rule time and time does not rule you
That is why you can change your path in the second-half of life
And why failed plans do not equate to failed persons
We are not the authors of our stories
It is the devil’s strategy to get you to hate God because of His people
But God already told you that His people are evil
That is why He had to save them from themselves
Yet, here we are, being mad at God for being right about us
We cry, “Church hurt” rather than, “Thank You, God, for forewarning me”
Success is oftentimes the hand of God or Satan
Moving their worshippers into position
To either succeed and fall or succeed and fall
One falls to their knees before God and, the other, falls into the Lake of Fire… to burn
Being set in your ways is arrogance
Because who are you to say what you can, should, or are able to do?
Until you have experienced every experience on this earth
There is still a piece of you that you have stolen from yourself
Even after your 101st birthday, live on purpose
Corporations have the ability to repackage and resell us the same materials
Because we would rather consume our childhood a second time
Than force ourselves to be innovative and figure out a better way to human
We actually hate being adults
Some of us because our childhood was so great
Some of us because our childhood was stolen from us
Rarely in life are you forced to do something
There is always an option
It’s just that most times, that option is too hard to figure out or make happen
Regardless, that decision is yours
People once chose death by drowning in the ocean over living as a slave
You need to ask yourself, how serious are you about you
All the grace, forgiveness, and mercy in the world
Cannot stop a red flag from hurting you when the red flag is waving
A person who loves animals and detests humans is wrong
Because how did you stop being able to see the good in people like you do in those animals?
You connect with the evil in people, and you don’t like that
Or, you were deceived by someone you should’ve never trusted,
And you don’t want to be constantly reminded of your inabilities
If I died, and you wouldn’t know about it for six months…
We aren’t friends.
God told me, “You are a writer.”
Some interpretations are:
You are a writer right now. Change your job.
You are a writer for this period of your life
You are destined for poverty
You are destined for riches
This is a hobby
This is destiny
Only you and God know what God meant when He spoke to you
Not everyone is meant to understand what was spoken, and most never will
People will call you cheap for doing the exact same thing they’re doing
Whether you fly first class or coach, you still made it to Costa Rica
Whether you sat in section 100 or section 300, you still made it to the game
You know who benefits the most from such arguments? The rich
Who cares if you can spend $1,000 on bottle service?
You still gave that brand $300 for a bottle that is $60 at a store
Capitalism and consumerism came together to create this gap
Most people don’t care if you do evil
They just care that you don’t do evil publicly
Christianity is about serving God, not God serving us
We know this
Yet, our prayer lists are about what God can do for us
And rarely about what can we do for God
And you think God is supposed to respect the will
Of someone who consistently prays to be outside of it?
Who said what you prayed was right of you to pray for?
Solomon called wisdom a woman in Proverbs 1 and 8
Yet, somehow, we convinced ourselves that women can’t be leaders
Misinterpreting scriptures
Using them as weapons instead of lessons
What do you call a student who refuses to learn?
Never be too busy in life to check on a friend
Never be so money hungry that you can’t see your mom
Never be so strung out that you can’t call your dad
Never be so high-minded that you don’t pray for your enemies
At the end of the day, the best anyone can ever do in this life is be loved
Whether you have one or many,
As long as it’s genuine,
You have succeeded in life
Stop chasing what society says is important
And chase what God says is important