Every now and then you run into a woman
Who makes you visit daydreams like they’re your job.
Spending nine hour shifts each day
Hoping the time given will pay off.
Hoping the dream will one day become reality
Because this woman doesn’t make you think about sex.
She doesn’t make your jaw drop for no reason.
She- she gives you hope,
Creates an image of a white picket fence
And you don’t even know what a white picket fence looks like,
So you search for it on the web and input images in your mind
So that your daydream can be more accurate the next time.
Why do these types of women exist!?
They cause your brain to go into cardiac arrest,
If that makes sense,
Because nothing else makes sense anymore.
You’ve seen her once,
But now you wish to see her a trillion times more.
She said hello but you want her to say forever.
But you don’t know her nor have you discussed forever privately.
You don’t even know what forever looks like.
So you read article after article on the web
So that you can fit the image of a man who lives in forever
Just so when the topic of forever does comes,
You’re ready for it.
It’s like being on ecstasy without being on ecstasy.
You smile and get all hyper when her eyes catch yours,
And just when you should say something- anything!
Your brain is fried- like with grease,
And know it’s being served to a bunch of fat, African Americans,
But that’s a stereotype and not true,
So you go to spirituality classes to discover the true you
Because you don’t want to be fake with this one.
Be fake now and you’ll never see her in Heaven.
Though you don’t know what Heaven looks like,
So you open a Bible and read Revelations
To get a depiction of Heaven.
And come to find out, that’s what her eyes look like.
Heaven in disguise.
And your stomach is swarmed with butterflies
As you realize…
God created something astounding when He made a woman.